around town, baby, home projects, life

Hello! Some life updates.

Oh, hi there! It's been a while. Almost a year to be exact…

As you can imagine, the past year has flew by. I can't believe Luke and I were in Arizona this time last year on our Babymoon soaking up the sun! These days our lives are filled with diapers, house projects, work and trying to relax when we can.

This outlet has taken a backseat to life, which I'm 100% okay with, but I would like to carve out more time to post every once and again. So, without further ado, here is what Luke and I have been up to the past year…

  1. We had a baby! I was due at the end of July, but she showed us her stubborn side before even meeting her and cooked for an extra TWO weeks (that experience can be a blog post of it's own)! Zoe Lynn Wagner was born on August 7, 2018. She is a happy, healthy baby girl and we are more in love with her than I could ever imagine. I even think her little poops are cute. Zoe
  2. We bought a house! Luke and I had been searching for a new home for over a year and we finally found "the one" last fall. We took a brief hiatus from searching towards the end of my pregnancy and the first couple months of Zoe's life. We knew we didn't want to be moving with a newborn, and I'm so glad we made that decision. Our little apartment was perfect for the 3 of us, but as the days went on, we realized very quickly that we'd need to find a larger space. We originally saw the home in September and put our first offer in, fast forward a few months and offers later, our offer was finally accepted at the end of November. We closed at the beginning of January…did some fun stuff, then moved at the end of January, on my birthday! This leads me to my next point…Closing Day
  3. We are going to be on House Hunters! I applied a couple years ago when we first started to look, only to find out they don't even audition you until you have a closing date! Sorry people, it's all a sham. I re-applied once we did have our closing date, we auditioned, and bam we were casted! It all happened very fast. It was very exciting, but we also found out we couldn't really do any house projects or move into our house until it was filmed. We basically filmed, did some major house projects, worked at our real jobs and moved all in a week. Oh, and Luke threw his back out the day before we moved so he was down for the count for a couple weeks. Needless to say, January was a whirlwind.House Hunters

February and March have definitely been a little slower for us, which has been great! We've been able to actually live in our new home as a family, figure out the house quirks, decide what we want to do next and look forward to our first spring in the new house.

I'm planning some posts and will share more about life with Zoe, house projects, our experience on House Hunters and anything else life randomly throws our way. Bye for now! I promise it won't be another year before my next post 🙂



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